
Mike Vetterli
Email: vetterli@sfu.ca
Tel: 778-782-5488
Office: P8433
Professor Mike Vetterli is the principle investigator for ATLAS at SFU.

Dugan O’Neil
Email: doneil@sfu.ca
Tel: 778-782-4247
Office: Discovery 2 (215)
Professor Dugan O’Neil is the principle investigator for Compute Canada at SFU, which provides ATLAS with Tier-II computing.

Bernd Stelzer
Email: stelzer@sfu.ca
Tel: 778-782-7731
Office: P8472
Professor Bernd Stelzer is involved in Higgs boson property measurements and searches for physics Beyond the Standard Model. Bernd is overseeing the construction of parts of the new ATLAS Inner Tracking detector (ITk) in Western Canada.

Matthias Danninger
Email: mdanning@sfu.ca
Tel: 778-782-4879
Office: P9450
Professor Matthias Danninger is leading searches for unconventional exotic signals, such as Long-Lived Particles, in ATLAS. Matthias is also working on improving the track reconstruction performance of the ATLAS Inner Detector. In addition, he is involved in global statistical fits for New Physics (GAMBIT) and the Pacific Ocean Neutrino Explorer, a new initiative to construct one of the world’s largest neutrino detectors in the deep Pacific Ocean off the coast of British Columbia, Canada.
Postdoctoral Fellows

Eric Drechsler
Email: edrechsl@sfu.ca
Tel: 778-782-3051
Office: P9420
Eric’s research focuses on tau-lepton reconstruction with the ATLAS detector and Higgs boson physics in tau-lepton final states. Eric is currently exploring applications of Machine Learning on Quantum Computers for High Energy Physics.
Previous Members
Suvayu Ali
Radim Barta
James Beare
Marco Bieri
Michelle Boudreau
Quentin Buat
Yann Coadou
Roghaiyeh Dastranj
Noel Dawe
Dag Gillberg
Jennifer Godfrey
Natascha Hedrich
Sarah Kerkhoff
Jyothsna Komaragiri
Karol Krizka
Zhiyi Liu
Allison MacDonald
James McNeil
Michele Petteni
Gary Pike
Matthew Quenneville
Erfan Rezaie
Doug Schouten
Kate Pachal
Savanna Shaw
David Shinkaruk
Teresa Spreitzer
Travis Stewart
Andres Tanasijczuk
Carmen Tang
Darren Temple
Kasia Tokarska
Heberth Torres
Michel Trottier-McDonald
Koos Van Nieuwkoop
Rodney Walker